Imagine a community with rampant drugs, teen pregnancy, and alcohol. Half the freshman classes never graduated high school. Unchurched families moved in with a new manufacturing plant. Churches were stagnant, Bible teaching went through the motions. And few if any teens ever attended church functions.
But the Jesus Movement rocked that world. A world very much like our own today.
Bob Bakke speaks on spiritual revivals. He provided eight elements that I had to agree that God used to foster a churchwide heartfelt revival that saw a community impacted by the Gospel.
1. An authoritative voice: Asbury College’s chapel service in 1970 sparked a prayer movement.
2. Common points to agree upon: The movement was not about theological specifics, but praying focused on heartfelt needs.
3. Histories to point to: The public was very aware of the Jesus Movement. More locally we celebrated wins in prayer meetings, bus ministry, and mission trips.
4. Training: Pastors knew that teens were inviting their lost friends to church. Their messages included gospel invitations every single service.
5. Friends: We prayed constantly for each other as witnesses. “Revivals happen among friends,” Bakke said.
6. Concerts of prayer: Students prayed 90 minutes every week for five years.
7. Revivals: Each worship service was a revival experience. The altar was full.
8. Home prayer cells: When we outgrew my parents’ home, we renovated an unused second floor of a house our church owned.
To get started, set prayer goals: Once weekly small groups, once monthly churchwide event, once quarterly praying with other churches, and once annually the first Thursday of May with the National Day of Prayer.
--Mark Snowden directs the Cincinnati Area Baptist Association
