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40 Ways to Live Like a Missionary, part 2 of 2


Welcome to part 2 of 40 ways to live like a missionary! Be open to what the Lord convicts you to start doing today!

21.  Learn a new Bible story every week.

22. Tell someone far from God a Bible story every week. Start with powerful stories!

23. Learn a witnessing method like 3 Circles and share it with five people every month.

24. Teach a witnessing method like 3 Circles to five believers every month.

25. Ask your employer to give you time off to work on a mission project every year.

26. Become physically fit and encourage someone to get fit with you.

27.  Encourage your pastor to include missionary illustrations in sermons. When preaching through a book of the Bible, look ahead to passages that could use a missionary anecdote and share it with him weeks in advance.

28. Volunteer to teach missions in children’s programs such as Children’s Church, Sunday School, AWANA, etc.

29. Join a church planting church.

30. Join a church plant that prioritizes reproducing itself frequently.

31.  Read the entire Bible or listen to the entire Bible being read.

32. Read Acts or listen to Acts being read.

33. Memorize 1 John.

34. Memorize the New Testament.

35. Conduct a digital fast, staying away from social media one day a week in order to pray about your role in God’s mission to a lost world.

36. Master Christian apologetics for Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Latter Day Saints, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Taoism, and Judaism.

37.  Develop a friendship with someone who is different from you.


Grand Finale: The Triple Two (2 Timothy 2:2)

38. Spend 2 hours a week out witnessing with a fellow believer.

39. Spend 2 hours a week preparing to lead a small group and mature in Christ.

40. Spend two hours a week in worship and leading a small group.

So, did the Lord convict you of ways to live like a missionary? Let’s talk about ways to help you, your friends, and your church get started living like a missionary!

--Mark Snowden serves as director for the Cincinnati Area Baptist Association



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